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Cacao Matcha Smoothie Recipe

We find that Wednesday is the perfect day to focus on YOU. Do something you love, treat yourself, start a healthy habit, do something exciting, and you won’t need to ‘power through’ to the weekend. Our Matcha tribe is growing and today’s recipe features our newly launched Cacao Matcha.

For us, an energy-packed Cacao Matcha Smoothie at the start of our day works like magic. This recipe contains Cacao Matcha Green Tea, a combination of two superfoods rich in antioxidants and nutrients which make for the ultimate energy booster, perfect for that mid-week pick me up. A healthy alternative to coffee and energy drinks, it tastes delicious and gives you a sustained release of energy over a period of time.

1 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
1 frozen banana
3 whole dates (pitted)
1 tablespoon Tea Trunk Cacao Matcha Green Tea
1 pinch of nutmeg
1 cup ice
Almonds (optional)

Blend all the ingredients together and top with almond shavings. Drink up!

Come Wednesdays, treat yourself with this indulgent smoothie. All it takes is 5 mins. Click here to pre-order our new Cacao Matcha Green Tea.


  • Matcha has 10x the health benefits of regular Green Tea
  • Boosts energy and metabolism
  • Cacao is high in magnesium which boosts hair and nail growth
  • Natural mood elevator and antidepressant 
  • Rich in nutrients 
  • Relaxes the mind and boosts concentration
  • Lowers blood pressure naturally

Disclaimer: We recommend that you consume Matcha in the first half of the day as it contains caffeine. This recipe makes a great breakfast or pre-workout smoothie.


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