Today is World Scrabble Day. Coming across this recently, I was reminded of summer holidays with my sister, which meant we could play board games for long hours. I could never get my head around monopoly and managing money seemed like too much trouble for my eight-year-old brain.
Words made my world. I was the kid who would read a lot. Find me at the doctor's waiting hall and I'll be reading medicine brochures. Spot me at the food court and I will be reading menus. I consumed books. I made a list of all books written by Enid Blyton and ticked them off one by one. Playing Scrabble became an extension of my love for the written word. The dictionary became a friend and Iced Teas, a companion.
My sister and I had unwritten rules and competed for who made the longest, most difficult word. We kept track of every word we made and I meticulously kept score. No matter who won, we awarded ourselves with laughter and giggles. It’s summer here in India, and what beautiful memories pop up in my head as I reach for my Iced Tea.
This World Scrabble Day, I plan to unearth my old playing board and brew myself a tall glass of Iced tea as I dip into my nostalgia.
Except now as a grown up, I choose green tea since it boosts my memory, which is all the ammunition you need in Scrabble. Here are few recipes to inspire you to make your own Iced Tea. Hope you make some tea and memories to last you a long time.
Happy Scrabble Day, everyone!