Blog posts
Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes
Can teas help in balancing hormones?
Hormones are basically chemical signals that run our bodies’ functions. They control our reproductive systems, the level of the stress we feel and our metabolism. While it is normal for...
Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes
5 Reasons to Have a Cup of Chamomile Right Now
From being a popular nightcap to helping soothe the gut, a cup of Chamomile has myriad health benefits worth exploring.
Estimated Read Time: 1 minutes
5 Must-have Herbs in your tea cupboard
Herb to health: A list of must-have herbs to drink your way to a healthy tomorrow.
Estimated Read Time: 1 minutes
Drink Tea in Harmony with Seasons
Each season has its purpose. During the monsoons the earth rests. It is almost as if everything stops for a minute and takes a collective deep breath. The dust from...